Территория ФНКЦ ФМБА России.jpg
About the center

The Federal Scientific Clinical Center (FSCC) has been providing medical care for over 38 years. Our Center is one of the largest medical institutions in the capital. It unites a multidisciplinary hospital, a consultative and diagnostic center, research institutes and departments of postgraduate education.

Among the patients of the FSCC are athletes of the Olympic team and cosmonauts, as well as citizens from all over Russia and foreigners who need medical care.

Mission of the Center

Increasing the availability and quality of specialized medical care to patients.

Our values
Compliance with the universal principles of medical ethics and deontology in cooperation with the patient at all stages of treatment.
Achieving the maximum positive effect in the treatment process, regardless of the complexity and uniqueness of the medical problem.
Further training, gaining new knowledge, exchange of experience with colleagues guarantee continuous development, growth of our doctors as specialists.
Good faith
We recognize the importance of a responsible approach in every clinical case.
Team unity
Support and help from colleagues, a multidisciplinary approach to solving any problem.

Our services

Unique areas

Center for Cardio-Oncology
opened on the basis of the Cardiological Center, deals with the treatment of patients who have recently survived or are in the stage of oncological disease, are conducting or planning chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The head of the Center is one of the founders of the direction of cardio-oncology in the Russian Federation - D.P. Dundua, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
More details
Pain management clinic
a new direction, which was opened thanks to the professionalism and experience of resuscitators-anesthesiologists. The clinic saves people from chronic pain, helps the patient where the treatment of the underlying disease cannot cope with the pain. The doctors were trained in Israel.
More details
Algorithm of contacting the Federal Scientific Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia for a foreign citizen
  • Step 1.
    Registration of an application for medical care with the attachment of existing medical documents.
  • Step 2.
    A preliminary medical opinion on the state of health.
  • Step 3.
    Individual preparation of a diagnostic and treatment program with a cost estimate.
  • Step4.
    Advising on arrival and obtaining a visa.
  • Step 5.
    Meeting the patient, implementation of an individual treatment and diagnostic program.
  • Step 6.
    Registration and delivery of treatment results and recommendations in the patient's language.
Treatment in Russia

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